HE'S HERE!!!!!!!!
My Mr. Perfect has touched down safely in Vancouver for the Eclipse re-shoots. The above photo is him leaving Heathrow airport this morning and arriving in Vancouver just a couple hours ago (below pic)- I love that he plays guitar and I love that his guitar case is old and beaten up - so bad boy - meets dirty - meets artist - meets vintage collector - meets ridiculously sexy!!!!!!!!!
They say because of conflicting schedules, Rob, Kristen, and Taylor are pulling 3 really long days as opposed to doing 1 week of shorter days - that really sucks, because the chances of them hanging out in town to catch any shows or even going out to dinner are pretty unlikely!!!! Oh well I don't live out there anyway and I think it's near impossible to hope that he would come and hang in Yarrow!!!!!!!!
At least promotion for Eclipse starts soon which means we will be seeing him none stop as he does the promotional tour - it was just announced that he will be on Ellen May 19th - yes!!!!!! and then off to Oprah to celebrate his birthday on May 24th - can't fucking wait!!!!!!!