This could be the beginning of the end for me and Robert – or possibly just a bad week!!!
I initially began my little infatuation because of Rob’s pretty in Twilight – I fell hard for the pretty – that led me to stalking him on the internet which than led to my full fledged infatuation. As I have stated before I have always loved the mysterious, complicated, deep thinker type and he fits the bill perfectly. So like most relationships I will say his attraction was my initial draw, but it was definitely his personality (or my interpretation of his personality!!!) that drew me in and has kept me entertained for this past year!!!!
It’s no secret that without proper lighting he does not photograph well, but I usually see past it because that is what loving someone means!!!!!!!!!!!!
However these pics from the set of “Bel Ami” are starting to make me loose a little of the quiver or maybe I am just seeing him in a different light - literally!!! I can only hope that he redeems himself during the press junket for Eclipse and bring back his oh so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!