I have know idea what the appeal factor is for this guy, but happy to see he might have found his soul mate - popsugar
This makes me sad . . . .I actually thought they were the poster couple for happily ever after in Hollywood - laineygossip
Loooooooooooooooove her style and love that she is dating our Vancouver boy Joshua Jackson - popsugar
This is one of my favorite new shows, too bad they are ditching a great character for next season - socialitelife
I am not a fan of the Hills, but I know some of you are - thought you might be interested to hear the most recent drama - socialitelife
Seriously could he be any sexier!!!!!!!!!!!! - socialitelife
This 16 year old is selling something and it ain't hot dogs at Orange Julius!!!!! - laineygossip
I will never understand anyone's number one being this guy, Merry Christmas Kimmers!!!! - people
Keeping the romance alive in their own way - justjared
I think she may be the only person in the world who can wear these pants!!!! justjared
Holy red balls does she look like her dad!!!! poor thing!!!!! - popsugar
Poor turtle he can't keep his girl on or off the screen. . . . so sad loved them on Entourage - thesuperficial
Best SNL in weeks, I think it had something to do with Hottie Tot James Franco!!!! - laineygossip