So in honor of day one I am going to make my first official entry about my #1. The problem with my number one is that he appears to be everyone's number one, which makes me generic and if you knew me at all the thing I hate most in the world is blending. In the past I have always gone for the unknown, quirky, secretly hot, shy guy that has vast amounts of undiscovered talent, but doesn’t know it - this then limits my competition and allows my wild imagination to run rapid through the hot guy streets of my manifestations!!!! For example I loved Ryan Gosling when he was on breaker high, why - because he was awkwardly skinny, weird and unappealing, yet I knew there was hot man power lurking deep within. Since the Notebook everybody and there dog knows about his no longer secret sexy, this is a quiver killer for me - like I said I hate the competition. My fantasy goes from just the two of us in a dark corner eye monkeying the other to us being at a busy restaurant with some skinny bitch serving him beer and eye monkeying her because he knows how hot he is and so does everyone else – do you see my point – it changes everything. Anyway the purpose being that despite his world wide appeal he is my #1 – Many of his overzealous fans refer to him as Edward Cullen (because they are disillusioned into thinking the person is a fictional character). I just call him Robby or in a more formal setting Robert, others like to call him Rpatz (I do not like this for the record). So there it is my numero uno, honestly I don't think anyone has affected me like this since Joey from New Kids on the Block and I think I was 10. It's soooo sad, but I just can’t help myself!!! I tried countless times to get over him so I could move on to my next undiscovered loser, but he's everywhere haunting me, encouraging the fantasies. I thought I had finally kicked him when the Vanity Fair magazine came out - this just brought on a whole new level of adoration. He is undeniable beautiful, but my other reasons for adoring him elude me. I mean if you have ever witnessed a recent interview with him it so awkward and painful I wanted to rescue him. Here he is on David Letterman
So after that interview you think it would have settled any lusting, but no I just felt bad for him and wanted the rest of the world to witness his secret greatness. I have given this a lot of thought (way more that I should) and I think his appeal must have something to do with his quite intelligence, or quirky sense of humor or possibly his lack of confidence ( I always find that a turn on – weird right!!!). Anyway whatever it is it’s workin for him, my favorite Robby moment was in a radio interview he did with a station in Paris – you have to check it out below - I think it’s about half way through when the interviewer asks him how he can love Bella, but not make love to her in the film?? It’s a great interview and a perfect example of why we would be perfect together!!!!