Alright I am a mother like many of you out there and we all know that when it comes to the kidlets we want to one up any other kid or mom in a 100mile radius. This is not new information. I will admit that I have possibly gone to extremes on occasion to ensure that my child is kickin all the other kids' on the playgrounds fashion butts. However, this is within limits of appropriateness and conventionalism. Yes, there is the odd time that a child wins the closet war and ends up going out in their snowsuit in the middle of summer (we must pick our battles), but what Mr and Mrs Pleasantville have allowed their child to prance around in is for no other purpose than media whoring. This is mother trucking ridiculous, I don't care what Suri wants to wear out of the house. She looks like one of those kids off of that "Toddlers and Tiaras" show where the parents dress their kids up like life size porcelain dolls and prance them around a stage to that catwalk song. The only difference here is that Suri is allowed to eat. Only Tom and Katie would have a dress like this for their child and prance her around town claiming that Suri calls the shots. We all know who calls the shots in that relationship and one can only presume he's living out his secret fantasies through her. And to put the icing on the cake the fashion travesty does not end there, let's just say for Suri's sake the apple does not fall far from the tree - nice work Katie. Oh how the mighty fall.