About 2 months ago my girlfriend Leah allowed me to drag her skinny ass to Vancouver to go to a panel discussion about the movie industry in B.C.. I think she thought my very early mid-life crisis was getting the better of me and I had decided to go out and fulfill my child hood fantasy of becoming a star!!! I'm not going to lie, their was a small part of me fantasizing about my tremendously famous stardom, luckily for me, my very dear, blunt friend was nice enough to point out that Woman's careers in Hollywood die after the age of 30!!!!!! TRANSLATION - you missed the train you were never on - get over it!!!!!
Anyway, despite my small mental set back we went to the discussion and I found it extremely interesting. It gave insight into how you go from script to screen, the casting and auditioning process as well as creative ways to get yourself or your work recognized. It seemed to come down to 3 things - politics, money and originality. As I said earlier, it was very interesting and I would totally recommend going next year if you find the entertainment world as fascinating as I do!!!!
Although I had a great time, I found it lacked information on the process the actors themselves go through. Luckily for me I have another source that I have been attuned too for years. His name is James Lipton and he is the host of "The Actors Studio" which is a long running program known for it's thorough interviews of well known Actors. His intense research regime always recovers never seen before footage and stories. I love hearing about an actors (usually) humble beginnings and their first big break - it's always so interesting.
One my favorite guests has always been Alec Baldwin if you could believe it!!! He is so funny and he loves to teach the students watching in the crowd about becoming a great actor. He makes a remark on the last clip I include about the evolution actors have gone through over the last 100 years. It is really interesting because he touches on the fact that now - good acting is considered being beautiful!!! It's totally true and so unfortunate that good acting is a dying race!!! I hope the Carey Mulligan's of this generation are able to resurrect the true actor!!!
Side note: my favorite part of any James Lipton interview is the 10 questions he asks each guest at the end of each show. I always picture my big moment, sitting across from MR.Lipton and answering my 10 questions!!! I thought I would share them with you just in case my appointment never arrives!!!!
1. What is your favorite word? - Beautiful
2. What is your least favorite word? - Flem
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? - beauty
4. What turns you off? - arrogance
5. What is your favorite curse word? - Mother Fucker
6. What sound or noise do you love? - My kids saying Momma
7. What sound or noise do you hate? - Screaming
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? - (this being assumed I am already an Actress) - Interior Decorator
9. What profession would you not like to do? - Outhouse Cleaner
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Ya did all right kid!!!!
I was only able to get parts 1, 4, and 5 of the interview because 2 and 3 are disabled on Youtube, but please go and check it out as he delivers such a great interview. Enjoy and send me your thoughts - thegossipcloset@hotmail.com
In the past year I discovered the wonderful world of Amazon.com which has allowed me to rekindle my love for music. Right now I am completely obsessed with this CD!!! If you are familiar with "City and Colour" than you already know that I'm like four years behind!!! Bare in mind I just found my way back to music - so you have to cut me some slack!!!
I could listen to Dallas Green every waking moment, he is so fabulous!!!! Some of you might know him better as one of the lead singers of "AlexisonFire". Their stuff is a little too hard for me, but they have blown up in Canada over the past couple of years.
The sounds of "City and Colour" is referred to as acoustic folk, which means very little to me except for the obvious fact that I appear to like this kind of music!!!! Dallas Green is able to make you feel as though it is just him, a guitar and the passing sounds of the outside world. It makes me want to put the kids to bed by 6p.m., open up a nice bottle of red wine, cozy up on the couch with a great magazine and escape for a while!!!! If you have not been introduced to the wonderful Dallas Green you must check out either of the "City and Colour" Cd's = "Bring me your love" or "Sometimes" - both equally amazing. Let me know what you think!!! thegossipcloset@hotmail.com