I hope your holiday season was full of wonderful memories and exorbant amounts of booze, because nothing says Merry Christmas like a whole lot of vodka!!!! At least that's what my Grandma always says!!!!!
So it is time for New Year's resolutions, I wasn't going to do one this year as like everyone else, it's just sets me up to fail, but I didn't want to break from tradition so I decided to give it another Backstreet boy try!!! My resolution is horribly generic, but like most of you, my goal is to have the strength to eat less than a bird and work out more than Madonna until I look thinner and better than my sister!!!!! I think this could be my year!!!!
It's been just under a month since I started my wildly entertaining blog!!!! It's been so much fun and I really appreciate all of my very loyal readers!!! Until last week I was pretty sure that my readers consisted of 5 or 6 good friends, my sister and husband (whom are forced) and some guy named Charlie who keeps emailing me asking me if I have a nice rack!!!! So obviously it was a big shock when I found out that I had 400 hits in a week and half of them are out of Country!!!! I'm just one step away from Hollywood!!! Perez Hilton here I come!!!!!
So as another day of smut is winding down, I leave you with this - If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends? Happy Gossiping, Adrienne Claudette