Catch 22
When new pics of Rob popped up this week, showing him chillin out in London and taking a pic with this young fan, I thought the picture Gods must have heard my prayers!!!!!!!! Since the "New Moon" promotional tour he has been hiding out in the comforts of various hotel rooms, and other than the few occasions he has attempted to go out publicly, there has been few sittings or info on him for the past month and a half!!! So last week some very hopeful pics came out of him hanging with his family during the holidays sans Kristin Stewart. This made me very happy because it could only mean 1 of 2 things. . . . #1 - that they are no longer together (best case scenario), or #2 that they are together, but not serious (which isn't great, but I will take it!!!!). Unfortunately these intelligent conclusions were ripped apart as quickly as they were created because an hour later I found pics of Kristin Stewart beside the same little girl in London!!!!! Which now forces me to conclude that the little Bitch is with him!!!! Very clever of them to take pictures separately, but I am on to them!!!!
They have continued to deny their relationship, but I am completely doubtless that they are together. Since the filming of "New Moon" in Vancouver these two have been inseparable. They can choose to hang with whomever they would like, but they continually choose to spend time with one another!!! When you were 20 did you spend every waking moment with someone from the opposite sex that was not your boyfriend . . . . No I don't think so!!!!
As if these little factoids were not enough . . . . .On Nov 10th the two were seen hand locking through Le Bourget airport, presumably under the dilution that they were completely void of all paparazzi!!!!! I would be devastated, but Rob and I are not intended to have our "meet cute" for another 4 years so why should I deny him his fun for now!!!!! I know what you are thinking. . . . she is delusional - not so, simply a positive thinker!!!!!
Check back often for more Rob updates!!!!!
SIDE NOTE: I think Rob may be wearing a new Jacket - if you are a fan, than you know this is a big day as he has a very limited public wardrobe!!!! I guess he intentionally wears the same ugly, presumably smelly clothes day after day to limit the variety of pics the paparazzi are able to acquire - Isn't my Robert smart!!!!!