Monday, March 15, 2010


Alright I am back – sorry for the ridiculously long and inexcusable hiatus – Let’s put it this way . . . . If there was 72 hours in a day – I would still struggle to find the time to pee!!!!! I promised myself at the beginning of this year that I would prioritize my health and fitness, which is great from a “Living a long life” standpoint, but it puts a major hinder in my whole “Following my dreams” goal and an even bigger snag in my whole “Get rich and famous” goal!!!!! I hate starting something and not finishing it and even more than that I hate starting something and not doing it properly or as often as it should be done – so I pondered the future of my little blog and have decided that I will just do the best I can until I am able to procure some more time. This basically means until the next time I find myself waist deep in shitty diapers with a suckling on my boob!!!!! So until then my goal is to maintain the readers I have and worry about conquering the world when time permits. Thank you all for the emails reminding me that there is a lot of great smut out there so I need to get off my ass and write about it!!!! If you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side.

Please scroll down and make sure to hit OLDER POSTS as I made some late posts this week. Thank you again for being patient and I look forward to fulfilling your gossip cravings, Adrienne Claudette