Sofia Vergara was on Leno last night - it was Awesome she handed Gerard his dirty ass on a platter. He has been trying to deny his dog-like-behavior for months, but it's pretty obvious in this clip that he's a dirty assmonkey. He totally does nothing for me, but then again as you know I hate arrogance and he seems to ooze it from every pour in his body!!!!!
Sofia is just killing it on Leno - she is hilarious. I have seen her in a couple other interviews and she must be one of the funniest people I have ever seen, her character totally emulates her real life personality. If you are looking for a hilarious good time, watch Modern Family on Wednesday nights - it's one of the only shows my husband and I like together.
Here she is on Ellen - she is sooooo funny - I wish we were friends - I think she would like me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you believe she has an 18 year old son - she looks 20 - lucky Bisnick!!!!