Can life get any better than this!!!
I knew this was going to be one SWEET ASS couple of weeks!!!!!!!
It all started moments before the big Canada vs. U.S. hockey game . . . . . . I was on the computer trying to distract myself, trying to maintain what little sanity my nerves had left!!!!!!! I needed some sort of sign, some clear message that all would remain right in the universe and Canada would maintain their rule over the HOCKEY WORLD!!!!
Trying to create a distraction – I began prepping for my who’s on who segment. As I opened the Jimmy Fallon website to find out his weekly guests, my SIGN revealed itself!!!!!!!!!!!!! There he was . . . . . . hair tasseled, teeth shining, eyes screaming intrigue – letting me know that everything was going to be okay!!!! Oh my Robbie always seems to pop up when I need him most!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This small, but pivotal sign gave me the balls to watch 59 minutes and 30 seconds of the game!!!! Just as I was about to start jumping up and down the U.S. scored in the last 30 seconds . . . . my nerves could take no more - I was out!!!! Not even God could get me through overtime – I bitched out and told my husband that he better not come upstairs unless he had some really good fucking news!!!!!!!
I think those 8 minutes into OT may have been the longest of my life – thank goodness Rob made it easier by supplying me with new you tube interviews from the UK!!!!!
As you all know we were triumphant and have continued to CLAIM HOCKEY SUPREMACY!!!!!

This was just the beginning of my ultra great week!!!
Sunday, Feb 28th
– Rob interview on Fallon revealed
- Canada wins Gold
- Brother's 25th birthday – which means martini's at mom’s!!!
- oh yeah and new UK videos of Rob!!!!
Monday, March 1st
– Actual Rob and Fallon interview – I think I spent the entire interview picturing our meet-cute!!! I definitely would not say it was best interview, but it was very far from his worst - I love the opening sequence with Fallon making fun of him as Edward Cullen!!! I know what your thinking - hot right!!! He also revealed one of his new favorite artists – Bon Iver – who is of course now one of my favorite artists!!!
Tuesday, March 2nd – Robbie was on the view – probably the hottest I have ever seen him – he was wearing this amazing gray suit and hmm hmm hmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Made my whole fucking day!!! Also side note - finally went down 2 pds as a small bonus!!!!!
Wednesday, March 3rd – Just had a chance to watch The Daily Show with John Stuart that I PVR’d from Tuesday – guess who his guest was??? Uh Huh you got it – Robert P – I would love to brag about more that just his looks on this occasion, but lets be honest he sucked wind on that interview - he just can't keep up with John - who is a verbal genius!!!
Thursday, March 4th – Critics are calling Robbie’s movie a success – that means he can act – Twilight will not be his only claim to fame!!! I never doubted him!!!!!! I mean really worst case scenario he could fall back on his music!!!! Also side note – 3 days left until OSCARS!!!
Friday, March 5th – I am finally getting my life in order so I can blog my ass off!!! I have missed you all and can’t wait to fill your ears with lots of juicy gossip now that I am back!!!! This is the perfect weekend to get back on track – 2 more days till Oscars!!!
Saturday, March 6th – going shopping in the states, running for 1 hour on treadmill and going to a party at one of my besties houses!!!! What a great day!!!!! Last day of Oscar countdown!!!!
Sunday, March 7th
– Boot camp
- 2:30 arrival at my mom’s to prep martini’s and food
- 3p.m. guests arrive, red carpet coverage, time to start drinking and eating
- 6p.m. OSCARS!!!!!!! scroll down to see my moment to moment recap as well as my choices for best and worst dressed!!!!!
Monday to Thursday - crazy busy with weekend prep
Friday, March 12th
- "Eclipse" Trailer revealed - I can't resist the CHEESE!!!!
- "Remember Me" starts in theater's
- Dinner Party for dear friend Anna's birthday = good food and lots of booze
Saturday, March 13th
- Husbands 30th birthday - Hockey game and way too many drinks at the pub
Sunday, March 14th
- My little Girl turns 3 - note to self - boozing it up the night before a 3 year old's birthday party - not a good idea!!!!
- The amazing race on TV!!!
- Blog time
Best two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!