Hands down best new show on T.V. - if you are not yet a fan - get your ass down to the video store, watch the first couple of episodes - I know you will be hooked!!!!! It's been a long hiatus, but Glee comes back Tuesday, April 13th. They just released the preview as well as a clip from Sue's Corner - regarding those sneaky gays!!!! - so fucking hilarious - check it out.
Speaking of Glee
It has been rumoured for months that Taylor Swift and Cory Monteith (our Vancouver boy from "Glee") have been dating. They were seen yesterday hanging out at a bowling Alley in L.A., unfortunately it seemed to be a group outing as Selena Gomez (Taylor's bff) was also spotted - at least it confirms the fact that they are hanging out. Love it - could not have matched them better myself - hope the rumors are true!!!
Side note - So much better that Taylor Lautner - he is too weeeeeeeee