So my review is in . . . . . I finally made it to see my man's new movie. I know it's very pathetic and un-supportive, but I went into this movie a little nervous for Robert. This is his first and possibly his only chance to prove to his critics that he is capable of stepping out of the "Twilight" shadows.
I knew going in that it was a content heavy film and I was prepared to tread through the depressing parts with an expectation that some happy would result . . . the happy did not come. It was one sad situation after another, I felt as though we were waiting for one or all the characters to hang themselves from misery and depression. I appreciated what these individual characters had been through as well as why and how they found one another, what I didn't value was the lack of time given to actually enjoy these characters learning and loving one another before more tragedy ensues. This movie has so many layers - depression, abandonment, betrayal . . . . individually they are very compelling story lines, it is when you try to combine them and place them all in the same movie that it becomes too crowded with endless sadness.
I understand that originality and depth are difficult to achieve in an industry that is over saturated with the same story lines over and over again - so I give them props for trying to bring something new and original. On a positive note I felt both Rob and Emily's performances were strong and believable, my only critique would be that I felt they over acted in a few scenes which gave moments of cheeziness!!! I believe that the intention of this film was to ensure that the viewer walked away pondering the content and how it was relative to there lives. I walked away with three notions or lessons - however you want to word it!!!!
1) mend ties with those you love before it is too late
2) people are put in our lives for different reasons
3)Tragedy is a unfortunate reality of life, it is how we deal with these tragedies that defines our lives.
See what I am talking about - all very heavy!!!!!
I imagine this is coming across as though I hated the film - that is not the case. I enjoyed it way more that I disliked it, I just wish it was less constantly self deprecating. On a very happy endnote - Rob was more beautiful than ever - even my dear friend Kimmers had to admit he was gorgeous in every seen!!!! For that reason alone It was a huge success!!!!
It was projected that opening weekend (March 12th - 14th) would bring in numbers anywhere between 25 - 30 million, sadly the Twihards did not come out in full force like estimated and "Remember Me" only took in 8.3 million. I was shocked to hear the numbers were not higher, I think it might have something to do with the PG13 rating - I guess there is not as many Twihard mom's as they thought (that or they couldn't find a babysitter!!!).
As I was looking up recent Rob interviews, I found this clip of the mania that surrounds him at premiere's - it is fucking crazy - I don't know how they deal!!!!
Actually I do - it's called a shit load of money!!!!!

I guess Rob stopped by Norman's Rare Guitars to check out his selection and visit a friend, while he was there he chatted up the owner who said:
"He's really a nice guy -- very shy, very quiet", "People follow him around like crazy, so he kind of liked it because we're a little off the path here, and the paparazzi didn't really follow him in. He's friends with one of the fellows who works here from England".
I guess multi-talented Rob purchased a really nice guitar from the shop and while doing so the owner said "We're doing this thing for the Midnight Mission, would you sign this guitar for me?" and of course he said YES - how cute!!!!
Here is a pic of him playing around with some of the guitars from the store - love him!!!!!!