TUESDAY, March 23, 2010
It’s been a sad and rough week for poor Sandra and it sounds like it’s going to get much worse. Michelle “Skank” “Bombshell” McGee is claiming she has much more revealing texts, phone messages and even video of her and Jesse. This Whore is trying to cash in every dirty cent she can get her hands on – what a disgusting home wrecker.
Weekend numbers are in at the box office and “The Runaways” took in $805,000.00 with a limited opening in only 244 theaters. These are not impressive numbers considering the killer reviews, hopefully the numbers rise significantly when the film hits all theaters April 9th weekend. I am hoping to go this Friday – look for review Saturday sometime. Is it wrong that after hearing she was scouting out houses on behalf of my Robert that I now hope her little fucking movie goes in the toilet!!!! I think I may have jealousy issues!!!! I am torn because if it wasn't for her presumed relationship with my fictional man - I actually think the two of us could be great friends . . . too bad she is a boyfriend stealing Scanoni!!!!
It's only Tuesday, the week is young and I need to get blogging. . . . . I leave you with this my dear readers - "Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night."
Happy Gossiping, Adrienne Claudette