Thursday, December 17, 2009

Welcome to my first day of blogging

So here it is, day one of what I am calling a useful outlet for my talented knowledge of the entertainment world! I know many of you would have another name for such levels of passion and commitment, you may possibly translate this into my obsession with anything rich, famous and skinny, but I promise you it goes way deeper than that. We cannot limit or exclude the importance of accessories, fashion and beautiful people!!!!! The entertainment world is my refuge, my escape goat...and so, with the suggestion from my dear friend Kim, I have decided to share my endless, useless knowledge and put my thoughts out into the abyss. I will have to ask you right from the starting block to be patient with me, as I am very technologically challenged (one of many things I blame the kids for as they sucked out that part of my brain first). So my point being that it will probably take a while before anything looks very professional, or has any photo attachments, because I guess you have to purchase the damn things in order to post them – who knew!!!! I guess there is a copyright law or some bullshit like that (can we swear on this thing???) God I hope so. So today is short and sweet, but don’t worry tomorrow is another day and another layer will be revealed into the depth of my intelligence! Until then, "Always drink upstream from the herd”. Thanks for reading, Adrienne Claudette